Other than the initial introduction which will remain unchanged, this page will act as a form of diary to record events, goals, and changes to remind me where I am at and what I must yet achieve.
Last Update 08/06/22
04/07/13 Last revised 10/18/14 Played a few games
It was a two hour drive one way but it was worth it. First time in about three years and about the seventh time in 20 years. Had on all the gear that I bought in the last three years while not being able to play and the field owner referred to me as scary. Big grin, on my part. Had some equipment failures and not all marker related. I will be buying a scale and marking the empty weight on the tanks. They don't chill the tanks so the actual quantity in the tank varied resulting in surprise run outs. I will probably build an insulated loading sleeve and venting tool to empty the tank just prior to the fill. I believe there is still sufficient gas in the tank to chill when the marker quits. Or better yet limit the tank to two hopper runs then chill if that fails. The markers were a little inconsistent this time but I believe that was due to o-ring failure. All my urethane o-rings, both in the markers and all the unused replacements had embrittled, every one of them literally falling apart as I touched them. The Bunas were not sealing well either, showing cracking. I am surprised with such massive failure of all o-rings that the marker performed at all. This was in both markers. I have now found that o-rings have a shelf life. Urethane rings have 5 years and Bunas have 15 years. Mine are all over 22 years old. New o-rings will be installed before next play. Also the stock sling kept slipping out of the buckles. I forgot that is why I installed a standard rifle sling. The sling is nice with the sniper barrel for rear guard positions but cumbersome on the short barrel for forward positions. Cotton webbing and better buckles are in the works. On the downside I found that the last time I had played, a small amount of paint had gotten under the back edge of the bolt tube. I thought the maker had completed the games that day without any paint on the outside so I had just oiled it. First and LAST time, I do that. I will post pictures of the damaged one session did to the marker with an improper cleaning. After the first 68-Special fouled badly I switched to the other. Just two games earn a blister on the trigger finger. I had also forgotten the first heavy fire game I was in when the marker was new. The sharp stock trigger edges made my finger bleed. Another reason I got the second marker in such great condition. I will be buying another trigger shoe. My first was a Tyler #3 aluminum, Black. Some players also filed the trigger so if the trigger is smooth on yours, then the contour has changed and you will have to take it in for actual fitting. I strongly recommend a shoe over filing, the shoe is three times as wide as the trigger and makes the marker a pleasant shooter.
I plan to post a torn down image with every part identified by its common name and size to allow you to replace the parts like springs, screws and fittings. I will even try to list sources if possible. I will supply a list of required tools as well. Finally I will make a video of the reassembly of a torn down marker with tips or recommendations at appropriate locations. Well that's it for now, have to order o-rings.UPDATE On preparing to order o-rings, I have found that critical information is missing from the TIL. It specifies the size for identification not for replacement. There is no reference to the hardness of the o-rings. On crosschecking I have found this to be typical of all Tippmann markers. Furthermore current markers don't even list size, only part numbers. There is no way to tell if an aftermarket distributor is even supplying you with the correct parts. Unfortunately o-rings change properties as they age so testing old rings is out of the question. A little detective work is now in order.UPDATE 04/14/13 On a side note, Of the five 68 Special parts I ordered from PB Sports, two do not fit, but one could be filed to fit. One looks a little different but works. The other two look right but were purchased as spares so I have not tried to use them. I will post pictures of the parts and show the problems. This severely limits available parts so I will find alternate solutions and post them. I completed the accurate exploded view but have not yet numbered the parts. I am extremely pleased with the image quality but it required so many steps that I am not sure I can retrace my steps to clean up the rest of the manuals pages. I am toying with the idea of making a new up-to-date manual to include things that should have been but were not in the original. With the slow tracking down of marker data I am starting an index blog page 00 to identify updated pages and when last updated. Notes like these will be on that page under Progress Status. This should help reduce repetitive data as well. UPDATE 08/17/13Just went to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tippmann and found the same screwed up data on the SMG and 68-Special. This has motivated me to continue adding to my blog. As of yet I have not repaired the markers due to funding limitations. I have recontacted Tippmann in regards to the missing TIL's and if that fails, I will try to contact Tippmann Sr. I may sign up on wiki to try and correct the data but the lack of required reference material may hinder that. Exactly why I have created this blog in the first place.
08/22/13 Last revised 09/18/13 JUST MOVED
This Blog is temporarily on hold, Too much going on. I will continue when events and time allows.
I have moved this blog to an easier address to find. I received my parts from Baccipaintball and am extremely happy. Forgot to order one item though but will get at a later date. Took pictures and will be posting soon. I am also working on the myths and facts page and also the what to watch when buying a 68-special. This will include MODs both good and bad. I never MODed my markers so this will be a research project.
Do to the volume of information exceeding expectations I am finding it necessary to update and consolidate information on existing pages to avoid repetition. I am also finding it necessary to include data on all versions on the 68-Special as well as some information on the SMG-68 and SMG-60 markers. The information will be limited in scope but be included to clarify and explain many of the misconceptions that cloud the 68-Special. The myths and facts page will be a FAQ. I will most likely add a dedicated update page to assist those returning to find the newer data.
Update: I have been planning to repair and MOD a 68 Special that I purchased for parts in the early 90's for $25.00. It is a SMG-68 to 68 Special factory converted marker. It held pressure but has many missing or badly damaged parts that were not available til now. I have just purchased the remaining key parts from
http://www.baccipaintball.com/ and have decided to go ahead with my non-reversible MOD. This forces me to detail measure some parts so factory dimensional specs should be uploaded soon. If my MOD works as planned, expect the value of working 68 Specials to rise. A detailed tutorial will be posted here on success.
I also found 4 unused springs in my supplies from the 90's so I have something to compare when sourcing new springs. I am ordering O-rings and bolts from my listed sources to validate accuracy of specs. I can then list a complete kit list for easy ordering. The forward bolt O-ring hardness has been a concern so I am getting both Duro 70 and 90 to compare. I have a concern over tightness and bolt arm breakage. The 70 may be better. Tests pending.
I recently joined
http://www.mcarterbrown.com/ for forum access and though there is still plenty of confusion regarding the 68 Special, the pics and discussions have supplied substantial data on the evolution of the marker. It will take time to sketch the pictures that I could not get permission to use here (users unreachable, old pictures). I also need to find clear pictures of the removed valve for the SMG-60 with external line to validate suspicions that a particular mod may damage or ruin a marker. On a downside, It has been brought to my attention that the average diameter of paint-balls is still getting smaller. This is not good news for the 68 Special. Barrel replacement may soon be necessary so conversion options will be listed here as I find them.
I was not able to order the bolts and o-rings yet due to a catastrophic failure on my computer. Funds had to be used toward a Nexus 7 until I can get another computer.I am currently using the Nexus 7. Received the parts for my upgrade except for O-rings and bolts. Now I need to adapt them to fit the 68-Special. One of the parts came damaged but it should not be an issue. I will cautiously order from ANSGEAR.com if I buy from them again. Details and pictures later. Surprisingly there are a lot of similarities between the 68-Special and 98 Custom receivers. Enough to convert my forward receiver to match the 98 in both barrels attachment and feeder options. I purchased a broken receiver for $4.00 to test my suspicions. The actual 68's receiver is in great shape so it would be a shame to mess it up in the unlikely event that the conversion failed. I have also been watching a SMG-60 to SMG-68 conversion project on mcarterbrown. I believe it is a step in the wrong direction as the outcome has all the issues that plagued the original plus one, but it gives me ideas on a 68-Special MOD for clip fed First Strike rounds. Note that it has been stated that the SMG-60 frame makes a thin walled SMG-68 but the SMG-60 gen 2 can be safely converted to a 68-Special. Clip fed MODs from this would be successful.
I see that the blogger site is splitting my blog so be sure to see the first blog on page 1. I have not yet figured out how to reverse the display order but I know it is possible. You are seeing last to first.
Update: The catastrophic failure of my computer turned out to be deliberate. A shredder program got past the firewall and did massive damage. Coupled with the fact that the last backup failed, all of my collected data on the 68-Special has been lost. That includes all the blog pages in progress. The computer is down until I remove the ghosts and establish program integrity again. This may be a while.
Update: Computer has been repaired but data confirmed lost. Just bought a camera to help in photos and videos. Its an older model but the price was good. Its a Nikon 203s. Also just bought another 68 Special. It has rust damage but surprisingly very little wear. I will probably use it for a teardown video when I have more time to work on it. Cost less then what I have spent repairing the parts marker I'm working on. The marker turned out to be an earlier version without the C-ring spacer or safety slot on the receiver. Taking pictures to set up my next blog. Should finally be able to order my O-rings and bolts. Installed the O-rings from PBsports onto my regular marker. Most of the o-rings fell apart on removal.Sorry, no pictures, done at the field. The marker chrono-ed at almost 350 fps on the old spring and settings. Even when new, the maximum velocity never exceeded 290 with velocity screw full open. First time that the velocity screw had to be most of the way in. Only broke one ball through a full day of play. I will photograph the change on the next marker as the age of the o-rings are the same.
10/05/14 Last revised 09/06/15 STARTING AGAIN
Currently working on a number of pages but updating and organizing are taking too much time. I am temporarily pulling some of the pages for ease in rework as traffic is very light. If you need some data that was previously listed or have a question regarding 68 Specials, leave a comment or email. At this time I am actively working on a PDF 68-Special Owners/Service manual. I will be changing some of the part names to conform to a more standardized nomenclature and function. This is necessary to avoid confusion in the troubleshooting section as original IDs are misleading. There is still a lot of information to gather on the conversions. I will probably have a section on the SMGs as the information must be researched to try and cover all varients of the 68-Special. If you are looking for the 68-Special accurate parts list and the detailed diagram that is still ghosting on browser Images, you have come to the right place, Email to my blog name at gmail.com. I am working to update current sources and updating this blog has become cumbersome and I find the reverse order viewing very annoying...
Regarding my parts orders for restoring a parts marker, I found my pictures on the parts orders so I can post them now. Orders were from pbsports and bacci in that order. I am noting this as some of the parts obviously are not for the 68-Special though they were sold as such.

These are the parts ordered from www.pbsports.com
Tippmann 68 Special Oring Kit, Tippmann 68 Special Bolt Spring Rod, Tippmann 68 Special Main Spring, Tippmann 68 Special Valve Spacer, Tippmann 68 Special Gas Line Kit.
The Following issues should be noted:

PBSports Tippmann 68 Special Bolt Spring Rod Left, Actual 68-Special Spring Rod Right.
The PBSports rod was snug on the spring, it would need a little sanding and polishing for smooth operation.

PBSports Main spring on bottom, A well used Tippmann 68 Special main spring in middle. 4 new old stock I found in my parts box. I believe PBSports main spring is for the 98 Custom, it's way too short for a 68-Special. It cannot be made to work. Update: I ordered a set of springs minus the trigger spring. All springs including the new mainspring were for the 68-Special.

PBSports Oring kit had the correct Orings but look at the color of the Milky Urethane rings. The rings should be frosty white, the yellower they are the older. Urethane Orings have a 5 year life span. These will be lucky to see a year in service. The distorted ring is round, It's just not flat. These were functional and I had to use them in the field after catastrophic ring failure in my main and backup markers. Ordered new rings from theoringstore.com.

PBSports Valve Spacer on left was thinner than a Stock unit and it was too small to fit any of my valves. It also had a slight concave surface. Three 68-Specials tested. Bought another C-ring from baccipaintball.com.

PBSports Gas line kit looks good. Have not tried it as all my markers are currently good. Of the parts ordered, this is the only one I can recommend. May be getting more of these for future.
On the Flip Side, The following were ordered from baccipaintball.com. and all parts worked perfectly. Note that most are used parts and carefull reading of the description is necessary. I highly recommend ordering from Bacci Paintball.

04/08/16 Last revised 04/17/16
New updates coming soon including my special project mod
New updates coming soon including my special project mod. I have updated the parts list to include all variants of the 68-Special so now the conversions can be Identified. All will be posted shortly.
Sorry all, shortly got sidebarred by life. Finally pulled apart my 20 oz siphon tank and great joy, parts are readily available to make quality siphon tanks like the originals. I will be buying the parts and documenting the build and sources of fresh brand new siphon tanks just like the originals. I also upgraded the parts diagram to show All versions of the 68-Special. Downside is that I have been also sidetracked as I came into an ICD Puma that is a Dream Marker as to all the features I ever wanted in a marker. First time ever, side tracked from the wonderful 68-Special. This even exceeds the Montneel Mega Z that has been a wishful gotta have for over a decade. The 1994 ICD Puma sips siphon like a Lady, is a tack driver, and whisper quiet in the woods. Even WOW can't describe it. It is simpler and has even fewer parts than the 68-Special. Only my project 68 can tip the scale back against this pearl. Update coming in about a week.
Wow that was a long week. A local field tried to open but has just closed. Was pulling my markers out and testing them to find that they all need rebuilding except the 68-Specials. The Puma vented my tank and I had to recharge it. I forgot the the Puma was set for 12grams and had to be reset for siphon. So it is working as well. The TPX and the 98 Customs are down for the count. The Field is now closed until further notice so I never got to play a game. I did find that the 68-Special likes Valken New World paintballs. Fired a few hundred with no breaks in the marker. Still would prefer to play with a backup pistol. Still having issues with the TPX so I bought a Goblin Solo. Not much in fire power but it should discourage a rush on a empty 68-Special tank. Noticed a few errors in my blog I am working to update all pages including the parts list.
06/16/22 Getting ready to update
I thought the Blogs were discontinued. I was in transition to update old pages, so some valuable pages had been pulled. As I no longer have as much time, I will restore some old pages and mark them pending update. This way the old information will still be available for access. Just note than pending update pages have information that is out of date, needs correction, clarification, relocation, or an all out expansion. Scrap the previous plans. My new goal is preservation of existing markers. I want to combine the misc chat to a timeline page and summarize. You're here for marker info, not my life status. Vintage markers are becoming less repairable because original specs are not recorded and consumables like springs and seals are no longer available. Lacking factory detailed specs, a little detective work is in order and 100 percent do-able. With that said, I will lay out the test procedures so others may duplicate and make parts for other markers. As for HPA conversion, Sorry, not here. I will continue to regard any HPA conversions as unreversible damage.
06/26/22 Working Consecutively on 4 Blog Additions and relocating gear and tools to get back into PaintBall.
Weight and heart issues shut down my paintball ambitions many years ago. Losing weight has improved my heart issues and woodsball is now a reality again. A local field has just changed hands 3 weeks ago and the new owner wants to focus on Rec ball. There is another field that caters to the speedball/ tournament crowd. To my knowledge there are no other fields in the area. Sadly, there is no Co2 service but I still have my own tank. I have purchased new test equipment to complete some overdue tests on the 68-Special. I am well into the more complete parts list and am building the pages "The Bling of Springs" talking about spring testing and ordering new OEM springs. Next is "Co2, Going with the flow, The theory and operation of the Tippmann 68-Special". This one is almost ready and will include an animated model full cycling sequence, critical seal identification, and service tips that I have not seen posted anywhere on the Web yet. A pictorial disassembly guide is almost complete as far as pictures go. The special project got scattered and was almost at the testing stage, I am trying trying to recollect all the parts to continue it.
The Paint Ball Field is in Holt, Florida. They are located at the Element Training Complex and are operational. They are working around material shortages but should resolve those soon. I planned to go there this weekend but my mask and some gear are still missing.
07/10/22 Working on the 68-Special function diagram
Turns out to be a little more tedious than expected. I have been originally working On a HP4400 computer with precise on screen pen abilities. Unfortunately I was limited to Windows XP and compatibility issues with new hardware made an upgrade necessary. Budget prevented a modern version so I settled on a custom build of a school student 14-fq1000 laptop and some additional hardware.
Elecom EX-G Left hand track ball mouse
M-XT4DRBK with hard case (not shown)
XP-Pen with wireless bluetooth Deco Pro
MW Tablet with a drawing area matching my computers screen size.
Computer is a custom built HP touch
screen 14-fq1000 laptop with a 2.1GHz 5500U Ryzen 6 core processor
and 16GB of ram and AMD Radeon graphics ordered during a student sales special.
Seems to be able to handle all my goals. I am fine tuning 2D images to start an animation sequence.
07/15/22 Modified the labels to work as link shortcuts to Blog Sections
Had some trouble locating my first Blog, so I set the Labels up as shortcuts as I can't change the order of blogs as they are presented. The animation is going on hold but I will use the work done for still frame pictures in the Co2 Blog about to be posted. I am also considering posting the other drafts with construction notes as they have been progressing slowly but may be of interest as is.
07/16/22 Blog Addition
Added a section on identifying the variants of the 68-Special. Cleaning up the new parts list for posting.
07/20/22 A Little Side Track
Just had a couple of markers I remember from the 90s become available. Though I always wanted a Mega-Z, I will settle on a Montneel Z1. These were inspired by the Tippmann 68-Special but improved on the Siphon advantage. Someone tried to run gas or HPA and forced the velocity adjuster beyond its limits. Damage looks repairable and this Siphon only marker should run like new. The other marker is a Crosman 3357 50cal marker revolver.
This is a Montneel Rental Z1 made for CO2 siphon feed only. Like the 68-Special, it can't be properly converted.
Why would you want to.
08/06/22 A Little More Than A Side Track
The Montneel had a little more damage than expected and I ordered two more for parts as the Seller had a bin of 33 and is selling as is at a decent price. Got one working but velocity is not satisfactory. The support data on the Montneel is abundant, somewhere between nada and squat. Found a readable postage stamp sized digital manual on VintageRex,com and about five threads on mcarterbrown.com mostly ending in the none available urathane cupseal. As I mentioned earlier, the urethane material has a 5 year shelf life. Some oils seem to extend the life as I have seen some way older that are still functioning but ALL my unused ones have turned to powder. The cup seal looks easy to build from scratch but I see the worn out mainspring as the primary obstacle. I am revising the manual exclusive to the Rental Z and starting the forensics that I have done on the 68-Special. I've lost my chrono so my current tests on the 68 Special are on hold.
Blogger.com user StrayBlackCatsMeow
Address http://68-special.blogspot.com/
Blog "The 68-Special from Tippmann Pneumatics Inc"
Blog Reference page number ##
Title -This is the personal Blog Timeline
Revised - 08/06/22